- Staj İlanları
Long Term University Intern HYUNDAI-ASSAN OTOMOTİV SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. Kocaeli, İstanbul(Asya)(Kadıköy)

About you
- 4th grade university students from the related departments (Engineering, Business Administration, etc.),
- Able to work 4 full days in a week during spring term,
- Good command of written and spoken English,
- Good level of MS Office applications,
- Strong communication and analytical thinking skills,
- Proactive and eager to learn,
- Able to work in Kocaeli for Production, Quality, Procurement & Administration departments,
- Able to work in İstanbul (Asian side) for Sales & Finance departments.
About the Job
- To carry out responsibilities and projects that s/he will process during long term internship program,
- To follow up and report about the work processes and outcome on a regular basis,
Candidates will be assigned to Production, Quality, Finance, Procurement, Admin, Sales related departments based on their educational background.
The candidate’s social security insurance will have to be paid by university.
Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/hyundai-assan-otomotiv-sanayi-ve-ticaret-a-s-long-term-university-intern-2407652